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Why Sales Funnels Aren't Practical

Marketing online has revolutionized the way that business is done these days. Everything from selling products and services to coaching programs, courses and so on are being offered. However, do you know what a sales funnel is and how they work?

Well here in this post you will learn exactly what they are, and you will also learn how to implement them correctly so that you don't agrivate your customers and cause them to not return for more of your products and services.

Sales funnels work by first having you to purchase a product. Then the next thing that will happen is you will be taken down a slippery slope of different offers such as upsells and or downsells. Now depending upon the individual, you could have as many as 10 or more upsells and or downsells that you will have to wade through before you even get to your purchase. So basically, you would make the initial purchase and then be taken down that slippery slope of all those upsells and downsells before you even get to what you had ordered.

This is a very common practice for most Internet marketers, but quite frankly, in my personal opinion, this is not a very good way to approach your customers. Bombarding them with other offers long before they even get to their initial purchase is a strategy that can turn people off.

However, what do you do if you still want to have those upsells and downsells? Can you still have them and remain totally transparent and honest?

Yes you can! You see, one of the most common mistakes that people make with sales funnels is first of all not telling people up front that they will be taken through a sales funnel. Also they don't tell you what the funnel items are or how much they cost either. They only tell you all that as you're going through the funnel itself and by that time, you're having to click the no thanks button or link just to skip that particular offer only to be presented with either another offer, or a downsell to that previous offer and so on until you have finally exhausted the traveling through the funnel to finally reach the download page for the original product that you had purchased.

Well there's a much better way around this and it starts at the beginning before you make your first sale. Here's what I mean. When a potential customer lands on your sales page, you need to mention on that front page that there are upsells and or downsells that you're offering. Also mention that these will all be offered on the download page after purchase. That way, you're not sending people down a slippery slope of having to wade through offer after offer until they finally get to their download.

So now when the individual makes their purchase, instead of going down that slippery slope, they will immediately be taken to their download. However, on the download page near the bottom, they can still grab the upsells and or downsells without having to push through the funnel. Just make sure that with the upsell or downsell that you include what the price is for each. That way, they will know what each of the upsells and downsells cost before they choose one.

By doing it this way, you're totally up front and transparent and you won't appear shady or greedy.

So there's nothing wrong with having upsells or downsells at all. It is just in how you present them that's the problem with most entrepreneurs these days. It isn't that I am against these things, but it is just that I am totally against making people wade through all of the offers just to get to what they had purchased. All of that just takes too much time which most they don't have, and they don't really have the time to be clicking through offer after offer after offer.

So by placing your upsells and or downsells on the download page just makes it a whole lot easier in the long run. Then all they have to do is to simply bookmark that page and come back later if they want the upsells and or downsells.

It is really best to leave the choice up to the customer as to whether they want them or not, but not by making them click a no thanks link, or button just to be taken to yet another offer and so on. Making people wade through a typical sales funnel is too time consuming and a total waste of time. So instead of making people slide through a slippery sales funnel, just simply place your other offers right there on the download page so that if at a later time they want any of them, they can simply return to the download page and pick them up.

That in my personal opinion is the correct way to present your offers without appearing too pushy or shady. Remember, total transparency is key here.

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