A Plain Defense For Plain Text Blog

Using AI Generated Content

You have probably seen all sorts of emails going round about the many different ways that you can use AI to generate content for your sales copy, blogs, e-books, articles, reports and so on. However, the question is; is it good content to use?

While many Internet marketers are singing the praises of using AI to generate content quickly and such, what is the real truth behind AI generated content? Now I am in no way against AI technology and such, but what you have to remember especially right now, AI is really in it's infancy, and while AI generated content might sound like a great thing, it can actually be a bad thing in one way. Perhaps one of the most common problems with AI generated content is that much like the article spinners of yesterday that took text and spun it by adding synonyms and such, and rearranging the words more often than not made the articles not readable. Much of the time the new articles didn't make any real sense.

So using article spinners has pretty much gone by the wayside, but yet now we have AI content generators taking the place of article spinning applications. Now while there might be some AI content generators that do a pretty good job, you still have to be careful about using AI generated content.

I am not saying that you shouldn't use AI generated content but what I am saying is that you should be very careful when using it. You don't want to ruin your business with it because using AI generated content in the wrong way can definitely do that. Just make doubly sure that the AI content generator that you're using is very high-quality and creates information that is easy to read and actually makes sense. I believe one of the best AI content generators out there is called Jasper, and I have provided a link to it below.

Check Out JasperAI Today!

Now at the time of this writing, I haven't yet tried out Jasper, but it seams to be one of the better AI content generators out there today. Just be careful when using AI content generators.

#AI #artificial intelligence #content #content creation #plagiarism