A Plain Defense For Plain Text Blog

The AI Impact

Well it is finally here; AI or better known as artificial intelligence. It is the stuff that science fiction books and movies were made of right? However, the type of AI that I am going to talk to you about today has nothing to do with robots that care for the elderly, clean your house or anything like that. No the AI that I am referring to has everything to do with content generation.

I am speaking of things like Chat GPT, Google Bard and others that are similar that will allow for you to generate written content that rivals even the best authors and publishers out there today. You see, before AI came onto the scene; the closest thing that we had to it was what is known as PLR content. PLR content is content that was written by an actual human being that you can use to create outstanding information products, blog posts and articles with.

So how has AI revolutionized the publishing world? Well it has done so in many ways. For starters, AI technology has allowed for people who aren't very good writers to be able to crank out masterpieces as if they were excellent writers and then just be able to add in a little bit of their own work into the mix to come out with one great product.

AI content generation tools such as Chat GPT and Google Bard are just two of the many AI based platforms that will allow for you to create outstanding text based content. There are other AI tools based off of these two platforms that will let you create things like sales pages, emails, reports, blog posts, and so much more.

The fact is; AI is here to stay and it has truly revolutionized the world of writing. It has given people an edge that they never had before without having to utilize the services of an expensive copywriter and so on. Now anybody and their uncle can create professional-quality writing in not time flat from the comfort of their home or office.

It is really that simple, and as AI tools come onto the scene that will let you do even more stuff, it is only going to get even better. Some AI tools will even write programming code for you, and now there are AI tools that can write music for you just as well. Do you see where this is heading?

AI based text content is really at the center of publishing these days, and it has allowed for more and more people to be able to crank out great information products without much of a sweat.

However, do you want to know a little secret? Even though AI content is here to stay, You still need to add that all too important human touch to your work that you do through AI. That is; don't just let the AI do all the writing for you but also enter in your own thoughts, voice and content to make the text flow that much more smoother. In other words, add to the conversation.

By adding that all too important human touch will insure that your content will be read and treated respectfully due to the fact that even though it was generated with AI, a human put their two cent's worth into it.

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