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Sales Copy That Converts Into Sales

There are a lot of ways to craft a sales letter, but perhaps the best way is to do it with transparency and honesty in mind. I can't stress it enough how important transparency and honesty really is in your business. If it is one thing that I hate the most is shady marketers who think that they can win people over by shotty sales copy that sounds scammy, bogus and is full of outright lies and deception. I see it all of the time online. I have read countless sales letters and believe me, most of them are just full of hype and empty promises.

Now when I speak of sales letters, I am referring to those marketers who are in the make money online niche because their sales copy for the most part focuses upon trying to get you to believe that you're going to strike it rich with their product. Most of the sales copy in this particular arena is filled to the brim with lies, bogus claims and a boatload of empty promises all to get the individual to whip out their money or credit card to make the purchase.

However, quality sales copy that makes a sale doesn't have to be pushy, or deceptive in any way shape or form. A matter of fact, the sales copy should explain the product in full detail, let the potential customer know what the benefits are to having that product, and then giving them a good solid call to action.

You see, good quality sales copy isn't pushy at all. It should be very informative with factual information that engages the reader. You want to draw their interest towards the product, not drive them away from it by just talking about how much money they could make and so on. In your sales copy you would want to give a bit of the history of your product, and how it will truly benefit the customer and how it has benefitted others who have purchased it as well. Along with this, a full description of the product and everything that it does is vitally important as well.

What I have found with most sales copy online especially within the make money online realm is that the copy is trying to get you to purchase the product by providing you with a number of order buttons on the page, or a countdown timer. Those countdown timers are not a wise thing to use in your sales copy because these kinds of things show that you're only interested in them buying the product and not really benefitting from it. Countdown timers have been proven to be a very deceptive way to sell things online because for the most part, these timers can be easily restarted once the page has been refreshed.

You see, your sales copy is your customer's first look at you,so why not be honest and transparent? Everything that you say on that sales page your customer is expected to believe is the truth. This is why it is so vitally important tht you explain your products and services that you're selling in full detail and not leav anything out because your customers depend upon that to make an informed decision at whether to purchase or not. Mentioning the features along with all the benefits is also paramount because if you don't include the benefits that they'll receive from purchasing your product, then the chances of you earning a sale from the sales letter is next to none. The benefits are perhaps one of the most important parts of a sales letter because that's where the rubber meats the road so to speak here.

Mentioning all of the possible benefits along with the product features will give your potential customer a lot to make a decision on concerning your product. These can help them to make that informed decision at whether or not to purchase. But whatever you do, never ever lie in your sales copy! Lying will only get you into lots and lots of trouble and it will not result in sales. Another thing that you can do to boost the power of your sales copy is to provide honest and transparent testimonials from those who have actually purchased and used your products. Now the key here is honesty and transparency because even with testimonials people have been known to lie. That is; marketers have been known to write fake testimonials and that my friend; is not a good thing at all.

Like I said, your sales copy should be totally honest and transparent so that your customers can get the clearest picture possible of your product and the benefits that it has to offer before they decide to purchase it. Theres no need to lie, tell half truth, or anything like that. Just be honest and tell the whole truth because in the end, you'll make more money. Customers aren't interested in how many years you have been online, or how much money you have made and so on. They're only interested in the product that they see and they want to know all about it without you fudging around the truth. They just want the facts, the benefits and a call to action that is solid. They don't need to read a bunch of extra garbage on the page that doesn't pertain to the product. All they want is total honesty and transparency and a good call to action; that's it.