A Plain Defense For Plain Text Blog

More Support For AI Generated Content

As I use AI to generate my content, I have come to understand just how easy it is to do just that and have expertly written content that is worthy of Hemingway and all without having to pay a ghost writer one red cent for it. However, did you know that if you have high-quality PLR content and you use it with AI that you will have an unstoppable content generation machine at your disposal?

You see, before AI even became a thing for us to use online, the next closest thing that we had to that was high-quality PLR content. Now as you may or may not know, with PLR content, you could get stuff that was terrible and had to be totally reworked, or you could get PLR content that was of the highest quality and crank out top notch content that your customers want and need from you.

Well now in combination with AI technology, you can use that high-quality PLR content and have an unstoppable machine that will help you to generate the highest content possible. AI along with PLR is a marriage made in Heaven, and as you already know, using high-quality PLR content that was created by writers who are professional in what they do will only help you to crank out stellar content that can't be beat in any niche.

And you want to know something else? If you publish all that content in plain text, it will be totally future proof and people in the far future will be able to read it with no problems whatsoever.

That was just an extra bit of advice that I gave you here because after all, I am a huge fan of plain raw text. I don't care for all those proprietary file formats that will eventually go by the wayside in the near future. Plain text rules and it is here to stay.

So if you use PLR in combination with AI technology to generate your content and you save it in plain text, your work can be seen by people in the future and it won't go to waste.

#AI generated content #AI writing #content #expert content #publishing with AI #smart writing #writing