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A plan For Assuring Your Success

Being success minded is a very good thing. It can lead you to doing all the right things for your online business. However, being success minded means that there's no room for cutting corners, lying, or being deceptive in any way shape or form.

A matter of fact, if you really want to be successful, then you need to think like a successful individual. That is, you need to realize that your customers and subscribers are like pure gold to you, and treating them with the utmost respect is paramount to your overall success.

You must at all times make sure that all your products are exactly what your customers want and need, and if they should have a problem with the products they had purchased from you, you should handle that situation promptly and professionally. Now as a rule, I don't offer refunds to products that are downloaded for the simple reason that someone could simply ask for a refund and still have that product on their computer.

That is why stores will not take back CDs that you had purchased because if they have games or software on them, whose to say that you didn't remove said software from your computer and just went to get your money back and thus you would have gotten the product free of charge.

So that is why I never provide refunds for downloaded products. I see a lot of entrepreneurs tell people that they do not accept any refunds on downloads for that very reason. there is absolutely nothing wrong with not offering any refunds for your downloaded products. This practice is honest and ethical.

Being success minded means that you pay close attento those who are successful in their businesses. You watch how they run their businesses, create their products, deal with customers and so on and then you simply copy what they do. However, the most important about being truly successful is integrity. You must have integrity if you plan to run a business online. That goes a very very long way because if you have integrity, it will keep you from cutting corners and dealing in practices that are unethical and bad for your business.

Being success minded also means that you're willing to work very hard and put in the effort that it takes to run an online business. Just because your business is online doesn't at all mean that there's not plent of work to be done because there is. There are products to be made, services to set up and organize and so on.

All of this may encompass learning new things and new skills as needed. This may include upholding a social media presence and making sure that it is transparent, honest and ethical. And if you do any type of communication such as through email, then you will want to build a list of subscribers tat you can contact and so on. There are many moving parts to an online business and it is totally up to you as to how you manage them.

For example, if you had to create sales letters for your products, you would want to make doubly sure that the copy in the sales letters isn't too salesy, or pushy in any way. This is one of those things tht I believe a lot of marketers really need to pay close attention to because I see too many sales letters out there that are just too pushy. They tend to focus only on the money and very very little on the product. I am not that way. I want to share with people all about the product and what it has to offer them. When I sell my audio books, I don't ahve any upsells with them because I don't want to waste people's time having them wade through offer after offer just to get to their download.

Once purchase has been made, they get taken directly to the download. That's how it should be. If you have a download page, then place your other offers there so that people can choose exactly what they want when they want it without having to wade thrugh all of the offers at the time of original purchase.

Another part of having the success mindset is that you must realize that your reputation hangs on your honesty, integrity and transparency. This means that at all times you will refrain from using any negative techniques or strategies that are designed to deceive or mislead people into making unwise purchases and so on. I can't stress honesty enough here. It is paramount! Maintaining a good solid reputation always begins with being who you are. It begins with you being you and not you trying to be someone you're not.

Being success minded also means that you're goal oriented and ready to meet the challenges that come your way. It also means that you're not too proud to accept help when it is needed. Let'f face it, we all need assistance from time to time so asking for help is the smart thing to do when you're stuck or can't figure something out.

And when negative things do arise in your business, you should handle them professionally so that the outcome is better in the end. However, sometimes not everything works out like it should and that's normal. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just accept it and move on so that you can continue to grow in your business.

This is why it is highly recommended that you have some sort of mentor to help you along the way should you find ourself in a sticky situation. The Mentor can guide you in the right direction and he or she can also help you to keep your sanity as well. Any good entrepreneure who is worth his or her salt will have a mentor to confide in. Having a mentor is one of the smartest moves you could ever make in working towards your success. So if you don't already have one, then I strongly suggest that you get one now while you're thinking about it because a mentor can actually save you from making some really terrible mistakes that would either ruin your reputation, or cause you to lose your business entirely.

Success isn't measured by how much money you have. It is measured by how much you actually use that gray matter inside that skull of yours. We have brains to reason with, and to make decisions with, not to play with. Like I said, this business involves a lot of hard work and dedication, and it also involves you learning as well. Your education never ends when you have a business to run.

#avoid negativity #honesty #integrity #motivation #planning for success #strategies #success #transparency